Completions Summary by Degree Type
Associate's Degrees:
Bachelor's Degrees:
Master's Degrees:
Doctoral Degrees:
Program | Award Level | Total Completions |
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research, Other | Doctoral Degree | 42 |
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research, Other | Master's Degree | 3 |
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research, Other | Other Award | 0 |
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research, Other | Other Award | 0 |
Educational Administration and Supervision, Other | Doctoral Degree | 40 |
Educational Administration and Supervision, Other | Master's Degree | 25 |
Educational Administration and Supervision, Other | Other Award | 8 |
Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented | Master's Degree | 18 |
Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented | Other Award | 0 |
Education/Teaching of the Gifted and Talented | Other Award | 0 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Vision Impairments Including Blindness | Other Award | 5 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries | Other Award | 20 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities | Bachelor's Degree | 2 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities | Other Award | 7 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities | Bachelor's Degree | 7 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities | Master's Degree | 58 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness | Bachelor's Degree | 3 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Hearing Impairments Including Deafness | Master's Degree | 9 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Emotional Disturbances | Other Award | 2 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism | Certificate | 5 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism | Master's Degree | 7 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Autism | Other Award | 15 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs | Bachelor's Degree | 7 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs | Master's Degree | 3 |
Education/Teaching of Individuals Who are Developmentally Delayed | Other Award | 3 |
Education, Other | Bachelor's Degree | 83 |
Education, Other | Certificate | 21 |
Education, Other | Doctoral Degree | 16 |
Education, Other | Master's Degree | 117 |
Education, Other | Other Award | 6 |
Education, Other | Other Award | 25 |
Education, General | Associate's Degree | 83 |
Education, General | Bachelor's Degree | 187 |
Education, General | Certificate | 18 |
Education, General | Doctoral Degree | 8 |
Education, General | Doctoral Degree | 65 |
Education, General | Master's Degree | 442 |
Education, General | Other Award | 16 |
Education, General | Other Award | 0 |
Economics, Other | Certificate | 0 |
Economics, General | Associate's Degree | 0 |
Economics, General | Bachelor's Degree | 271 |
Economics, General | Certificate | 1 |
Economics, General | Certificate | 3 |
Economics, General | Doctoral Degree | 0 |
Economics, General | Master's Degree | 0 |
Economics and Computer Science | Bachelor's Degree | 9 |
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics | Bachelor's Degree | 132 |
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics | Certificate | 0 |
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics | Doctoral Degree | 31 |