Degrees and Programs

Completions Summary by Degree Type

Certificates: 53264
Associate's Degrees: 47016
Bachelor's Degrees: 105344
Master's Degrees: 58402
Doctoral Degrees: 14924
Program Institution Award Level Completions
Grand total Cox College Other Award 0
Grand total Cox College Master's Degree 60
Grand total Cox College Other Award 2
Grand total Calvary University Certificate 0
Grand total Calvary University Associate's Degree 6
Grand total Calvary University Bachelor's Degree 43
Grand total Calvary University Master's Degree 22
Grand total Calvary University Doctoral Degree 0
Grand total Cape Girardeau Career and Technology Center Certificate 150
Grand total Cape Girardeau Career and Technology Center Certificate 9
Grand total Central Christian College of the Bible Certificate 2
Grand total Central Christian College of the Bible Associate's Degree 3
Grand total Central Christian College of the Bible Bachelor's Degree 33
Grand total Central Christian College of the Bible Master's Degree 15
Grand total Central Christian College of the Bible Certificate 0
Grand total Central Methodist University-College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate's Degree 12
Grand total Central Methodist University-College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor's Degree 238
Grand total University of Central Missouri Bachelor's Degree 1493
Grand total University of Central Missouri Other Award 35
Grand total University of Central Missouri Master's Degree 2110
Grand total University of Central Missouri Other Award 64
Grand total University of Central Missouri Certificate 237
Grand total Grand River Technical School Certificate 49
Grand total Grand River Technical School Other Award 9
Grand total Cleveland University-Kansas City Associate's Degree 25
Grand total Cleveland University-Kansas City Bachelor's Degree 43
Grand total Cleveland University-Kansas City Other Award 0
Grand total Cleveland University-Kansas City Master's Degree 0
Grand total Cleveland University-Kansas City Doctoral Degree 110
Grand total Columbia College Associate's Degree 546
Grand total Columbia College Bachelor's Degree 1095
Grand total Columbia College Master's Degree 182
Grand total Columbia College Certificate 35
Grand total Conception Seminary College Certificate 0
Grand total Conception Seminary College Bachelor's Degree 5
Grand total Concordia Seminary Other Award 38
Grand total Concordia Seminary Master's Degree 50
Grand total Concordia Seminary Doctoral Degree 4
Grand total Concordia Seminary Doctoral Degree 8
Grand total Cottey College Associate's Degree 15
Grand total Cottey College Bachelor's Degree 50
Grand total Covenant Theological Seminary Other Award 14
Grand total Covenant Theological Seminary Master's Degree 88
Grand total Covenant Theological Seminary Doctoral Degree 3
Grand total Crowder College Certificate 82
Grand total Crowder College Associate's Degree 689
Grand total Crowder College Certificate 479
Grand total Culver-Stockton College Bachelor's Degree 165
Grand total Culver-Stockton College Master's Degree 33
Grand total Drury University Bachelor's Degree 265