Completions Data for Missouri Baptist University


Completions Summary by Degree Type

Certificates: 8
Associate's Degrees: 44
Bachelor's Degrees: 764
Master's Degrees: 406
Post-Degree Certificates: 52
Doctorate Degrees: 40
Program Classification Classification Code Award Level Total Completions
Accounting 52.0301 Certificate 1
Accounting 52.0301 Bachelor's Degree 11
Administration of Special Education 13.0402 Master's Degree 0
Behavioral Sciences 30.1701 Bachelor's Degree 10
Biochemistry 26.0202 Bachelor's Degree 2
Biology Teacher Education 13.1322 Bachelor's Degree 0
Biology/Biological Sciences, General 26.0101 Bachelor's Degree 7
Biotechnology 26.1201 Bachelor's Degree 0
Business Administration and Management, General 52.0201 Certificate 1
Business Administration and Management, General 52.0201 Associate's Degree 0
Business Administration and Management, General 52.0201 Bachelor's Degree 39
Business Administration and Management, General 52.0201 Master's Degree 33
Business Administration, Management and Operations, Other 52.0299 Bachelor's Degree 27
Business and Innovation/Entrepreneurship Teacher Education 13.1303 Bachelor's Degree 0
Chemistry, General 40.0501 Bachelor's Degree 0
Child Development 19.0706 Bachelor's Degree 1
Christian Studies 38.0203 Certificate 0
Christian Studies 38.0203 Bachelor's Degree 5
Communication and Media Studies, Other 9.0199 Bachelor's Degree 11
Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services 13.1101 Master's Degree 24
Criminal Justice/Safety Studies 43.0104 Bachelor's Degree 21
Criminal Justice/Safety Studies 43.0104 Master's Degree 0
Curriculum and Instruction 13.0301 Master's Degree 10
Curriculum and Instruction 13.0301 Post-Degree Certificate 7
Drama and Dance Teacher Education 13.1324 Bachelor's Degree 0
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General 50.0501 Bachelor's Degree 5
Early Childhood Education and Teaching 13.121 Bachelor's Degree 4
Education, General 13.0101 Bachelor's Degree 6
Education, Other 13.9999 Doctoral Degree 15
Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs 13.1015 Bachelor's Degree 1
Education/Teaching of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities 13.1007 Bachelor's Degree 7
Educational Leadership and Administration, General 13.0401 Master's Degree 23
Educational/Instructional Technology 13.0501 Master's Degree 3
Elementary Education and Teaching 13.1202 Bachelor's Degree 28
English Language and Literature, General 23.0101 Bachelor's Degree 7
English Language and Literature, General 23.0101 Certificate 2
Exercise Science and Kinesiology 31.0505 Bachelor's Degree 11
Exercise Science and Kinesiology 31.0505 Post-Degree Certificate 0
Forensic Chemistry 40.051 Bachelor's Degree 1
Forensic Psychology 42.2812 Bachelor's Degree 1
General Studies 24.0102 Associate's Degree 9
General Studies 24.0102 Bachelor's Degree 12
Grand total 99 Certificate 2
Grand total 99 Associate's Degree 22
Grand total 99 Bachelor's Degree 382
Grand total 99 Post-Degree Certificate 8
Grand total 99 Master's Degree 203
Grand total 99 Post-Degree Certificate 18
Grand total 99 Doctoral Degree 20
Grand total 99 Certificate 2
Health Teacher Education 13.1307 Bachelor's Degree 0
Health and Wellness, General 51.0001 Bachelor's Degree 11
Health/Health Care Administration/Management 51.0701 Bachelor's Degree 14
Higher Education/Higher Education Administration 13.0406 Master's Degree 6
Higher Education/Higher Education Administration 13.0406 Doctoral Degree 5
History, General 54.0101 Bachelor's Degree 2
Human Services, General 44 Bachelor's Degree 5
Information Technology 11.0103 Bachelor's Degree 6
Journalism, Other 9.0499 Bachelor's Degree 3
Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching 13.1203 Bachelor's Degree 2
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other 24.0199 Bachelor's Degree 0
Marketing/Marketing Management, General 52.1401 Bachelor's Degree 13
Mathematics, General 27.0101 Bachelor's Degree 2
Mental Health Counseling/Counselor 51.1508 Master's Degree 21
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other 30.9999 Bachelor's Degree 2
Music Management 50.1003 Bachelor's Degree 0
Music Performance, General 50.0903 Bachelor's Degree 0
Music Teacher Education 13.1312 Bachelor's Degree 0
Music, General 50.0901 Bachelor's Degree 1
Musical Theatre 50.0509 Bachelor's Degree 0
Organizational Leadership 52.0213 Bachelor's Degree 2
Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other 38.9999 Certificate 0
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching 13.1314 Bachelor's Degree 2
Play Therapy/Therapist 51.2317 Post-Degree Certificate 2
Pre-Nursing Studies 51.1105 Associate's Degree 13
Psychology, General 42.0101 Bachelor's Degree 32
Public Relations/Image Management 9.0902 Bachelor's Degree 0
Radio and Television 9.0701 Bachelor's Degree 5
Radiologic Technology/Science - Radiographer 51.0911 Associate's Degree 0
Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse 51.3801 Bachelor's Degree 44
Religious/Sacred Music 39.0501 Bachelor's Degree 3
Sales and Marketing Operations/Marketing and Distribution Teacher Education 13.131 Bachelor's Degree 0
Secondary Education and Teaching 13.1205 Bachelor's Degree 0
Securities Services Administration/Management 43.0112 Master's Degree 1
Social Sciences, General 45.0101 Bachelor's Degree 4
Social Work 44.0701 Master's Degree 27
Sport and Fitness Administration/Management 31.0504 Bachelor's Degree 10
Sport and Fitness Administration/Management 31.0504 Post-Degree Certificate 1
Sport and Fitness Administration/Management 31.0504 Master's Degree 25
Student Counseling and Personnel Services, Other 13.1199 Post-Degree Certificate 5
Superintendency and Educational System Administration 13.0411 Post-Degree Certificate 11
Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods, Other 13.1299 Master's Degree 25
Teacher Education, Multiple Levels 13.1206 Bachelor's Degree 1
Theology and Religious Vocations, Other 39.9999 Associate's Degree 0
Theology and Religious Vocations, Other 39.9999 Bachelor's Degree 1
Theology and Religious Vocations, Other 39.9999 Master's Degree 5